Fusion will assist clients in meeting all obligations under the, The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (legislation.gov.uk) which is applicable to all construction projects.
Fusion can offer CDM Services such as Principal Designer, Principal Designer Assist, CDM Client Advisor, Health & Safety Services and Fire Risk Assessments.
Tina Hayward has recently been appointed as Head of Health & Safety, CDM. Tina has extensive knowledge and experience of providing Health & Safety, CDM Services and Fire Risk Assessments for Large Blue-chip Clients, Hospitality & Leisure (including licence premises), Residential, Developers, Commercial, Health Care, Education and Infrastructure.
Tina works actively with the design team to ensure that a fully co-ordinated design is produced with respect to Health & Safety, Fire and Environmental issues, and that adequate regard has been given to Health and Safety / CDM Regulations. This extends to include the construction work, future use of the building for end users, maintenance, modification and eventual demolition.
Tina is a Certified Member of Association for Project Safety (APS) and NEBOSH qualified in Occupational Health & Safety and Construction Safety with an Advanced Level Qualification in undertaking Fire Risk Assessments with the Fire Protection Association (FPA).”
All Duty Holders have a responsibility under CDM Regulations 2015. Refer to: Construction – Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 – What do I need to do? (hse.gov.uk)
For further information or advice Contact Us.